Thursday 11 October 2007

Crossrail hole scam is unravelling, hours after it was given funding go-ahead by A Darling, UK Finance Minister!

Thursday, 11 October 2007

Crossrail hole scam is unravelling, hours after it was given funding go-ahead by A Darling, UK Finance Minister!

By©Muhammad Haque
0900 GMT
London Thursday 11 October 2007



Within 48 hours of it's being given £5Billin of UK public money, the scheme is coming under attacks from some of the most significant quarters that had stayed silent for years while Khoodeelaar! made and maintained the analytical and democratic opposition to the scam.

In the coming weeks and months, we shall be going through each and every central facet of the CRASS plan and we shall show that transport needs of London can be met more economically and in a much better way than it will ever be possible to be done by the Crossrail scam. the Crossrail hole plot is already unravelling, less than 48 hours after it was given the alleged go-ahead by Alistair Darling, the UK Finance Minister.

There is something new in what is happening about Crossrail. Especially in the past 30 hours or so. The novelty is in the fact that most of the concerned and the uncertain comments are coming from those who either stayed silent on the issue while ‘Undone mayor' Ken Egostone colluded with the other Big Business touts and the BBC in creating the falsehood that it was Crossrail, rather than a legitimately thought out and responsibly worked out plan to meet the transport needs of London that contained the answers.

Only Khoodeelaar! has maintained the consistent and comprehensive watch on the entire Crossrail package. Covering ALL main aspects of the entire Crossrail scam.

And only Khoodeelaar! has made the facts known by publishing widely and accessibly for all to check and to verify each one of the assertions that we have been making.

We have made hundreds of separate thematic points. They address the economic, democratic, social, environmental and constitutional aspects of the matter.

The key points that Khoodeelaar! Has made in the past almost 4 years of campaign against the Crossrail scam have included these:

THAT Crossrail is not the answer to the transport needs because the Crossrail is not about the transport of ordinary passengers. It is intended to be a special line meant to carry an exclusive set of passengers on an exclusive line. By all criteria of public transport, it falls.

THAT there is no demand for the particular line among ordinary people in London.

That there has been no transport needs study carried out for any of the affected parts of London upon which any plan including any major public investment could be justified within either the regional economy or within the macro economy of the UK.

That there has been no examination

THAT there are no economic and socially and environmentally correlative actions to justify some of the persistent pro Crossrail slogans that have been used intentionally dishonestly to mislead the public about ‘the benefits’ during the past five years of the Big Business lobby for Crossrail__THAT there is no democratic audit of the ‘parliamentary Crossrail Bill’, thus making a mockery of parliamentary or public accountability by the present Government for the £Billions of public money that is going to be given to effectively private companies.

There has been no parliamentary scrutiny of the actual technical contents of the Bill.

No scrutiny has been allowed in parliament, either, of the relative demand for a scheme of Crossrail’s description. No evidence has been allowed to be put to parliament on the comparative merits of any aspect of the scheme generally and in the case of the East End of London, there has been persistent refusal by the bogus select committee of MPs on Crossrail to hear evidence and arguments against the alignment of Crossrail through and in the Borough of Tower Hamlets.

This refusal has also included the subject of the Crossrail station at Whitechapel.


A survey of the ethers who now agree with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot

Crossrail hole scam is unravelling, hours after it was given funding go-ahead by A Darling, UK Finance Minister!

By©Muhammad Haque
0900 GMT
London Thursday 11 October 2007

Crossrail! Within 48 hours of it's being given £5Billin of UK public money, the scheme is coming under attacks from some of the most significant quarters that had stayed silent for years while Khoodeelaar! made and maintained the analytical and democratic opposition to the scam.

In the coming weeks and months, we shall be going through each and every central facet of the CRASS plan and we shall show that transport needs of London can be met more economically and in a much better way than it will ever be possible to be done by the Crossrail scam.

The Crossrail hole plot is already unravelling, less than 48 hours after it was given the alleged go-ahead by Alistair Darling, the UK Finance Minister.

There is something new in what is happening about Crossrail. Especially in the past 30 hours or so. The novelty is in the fact that most of the concerned and the uncertain comments are coming from those who either stayed silent on the issue while ‘Undone mayor' Ken Egostone colluded with the other Big Business touts and the BBC in creating the falsehood that it was Crossrail, rather than a legitimately thought out and responsibly worked out plan to meet the transport needs of London that contained the answers.

Only Khoodeelaar! has maintained the consistent and comprehensive watch on the entire Crossrail package. Covering ALL main aspects of the entire Crossrail scam.

And only Khoodeelaar! has made the facts known by publishing widely and accessibly for all to check and to verify each one of the assertions that we have been making.

We have made hundreds of separate thematic points. They address the economic, democratic, social, environmental and constitutional aspects of the matter.

The key points that Khoodeelaar! Has made in the past almost 4 years of campaign against the Crossrail scam have included these: -

THAT Crossrail is not the answer to the transport needs because the Crossrail is not about the transport of ordinary passengers. It is intended to be a special line meant to carry an exclusive set of passengers on an exclusive line. By all criteria of public transport, it falls.

THAT there is no demand for the particular line among ordinary people in London.

That there has been no transport needs study carried out for any of the affected parts of London upon which any plan including any major public investment could be justified within either the regional economy or within the macro economy of the UK.

That there has been no examination

THAT there are no economic and socially and environmentally correlative actions to justify some of the persistent pro Crossrail slogans that have been used intentionally dishonestly to mislead the public about ‘the benefits’ during the past five years of the Big Business lobby for Crossrail

THAT there is no democratic audit of the ‘parliamentary Crossrail Bill’, thus making a mockery of parliamentary or public accountability by the present Government for the £Billions of public money that is going to be given to effectively private companies.

There has been no parliamentary scrutiny of the actual technical contents of the Bill.

No scrutiny has been allowed in parliament, either, of the relative demand for a scheme of Crossrail’s description. No evidence has been allowed to be put to parliament on the comparative merits of any aspect of the scheme generally and in the case of the East End of London, there has been persistent refusal by the bogus select committee of MPs on Crossrail to hear evidence and arguments against the alignment of Crossrail through and in the Borough of Tower Hamlets. This refusal has also included the subject f the Crossrail station at Whitechapel.